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1 to 50 out of 135 records«« « 1-50 51-100 101-135 » »»
Title Author(s) Where published? Year Page(s)
Towards a Robust Design of Electronics Assemblies under Fracture, Delaminat... Auersperg, J.;... Proc. 9th. Electronic... 2007 59
Capabilities of Incorporating Bulk Fracture, Bimaterial Interface Fracture ... Auersperg,J.;... Proc. 7th. Int. Conference on... 2007 309
Special Issue on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS,... Courtois, B.;... Microsystem Technologies vol.... 2015 11
Auf Biegen und Brechen- Zuverlässigkeit von Mikro- und Nanosystemen" Dual, J.,... Bulletin der ETH Zürich, No.... 2004 57-60
reliability Prediction of Area Array Solder Joints Dudek,R.,Doerin... Transactions of ASME,Journal... 2003 562-568
Chances and Limits of Computer Tomography in Materialographic Investigatio... Faust,W.;Noack,... Practical Metallography Carl... 2012 328-342
Testing, Reliability, and Application of Micro-and Nano-Materials SYstems I... Geer,R.E.;Meyen... Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 5766 2005 178 pp.
Generalized Fracture Mechanical Integral Concept JG and its Application in ... Ghafvifekr,... Sensors and Actuators A 99,... 2002 183-187
Generalized Mechanical Integral Concept JG and its Application in Microelec... Ghavifekr,H.B.,... Senors and Actuators A99(2002) 2002 183-187
Comparative Characterization of Chip Epoxy Interfaces by Molecular Modeling... Hoelck,O.;... Microelectronics... 2012 1285-1290
Basic thermo-mechanical property estimation of a 3D- crosslinked epoxy/SiO... Hoelck,O.;Dermi... Microelectronics Reliability... 2011 1027-1034
Computational Assessment of Interconnection Technology for High Power, High... Kaulfersch,E.,... Proc. Internat. Conf. on High... 2003 79-86
MicroDAC - ein Meßverfahren zur Ermittlung von Werkstoffeigenschaften im Mi... Keller, J.;... VDI-Berichte Nr. 1829 (2004) 2004 433-440
Papers of Micro- and Nanoreliability Symposium, Keller,J.;... Proc. NSTI Nanotechnology... 2011 1-80
Nanodeformation Analysis near Small Cracks by means of NanoDAC Technique Keller,J.;... G. Wilkening and L. Koenders... 2005 481-494
Verfahren zur feldmässigen Bestimmung von Deformationszuständen in mikrosko... Kuehnert,R.,... Deutsches Patent Nr. 196 14... 2004 -
Special Issue DTIP Cannes 2014 Megherby,S.;Mic... Microsystem Technologies vol... 2016 1
Advancedd Sensor Technologies for Nondestructive Evaluation and Structural ... Meyendorf,N.;Ba... Proceedings of SPIE, 2005 224 p.
Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung- Bauteiloptimierung durch Verbindung von Simulati... Michel, B. SNo 3-2010 SMT Hybrid... 2010 3
Microsecurity- Sicherheit durch Mikro- und Nanotechnologien Michel, B. Proc. Silicon Saxony Day 2009 2009 10
Testing and Reliability Issues in Nanomechanics Michel, B. Proc. 3rd. Vienna Int.... 2009 150-151
What is MMC?- The MicroMaterials Center Berlin and Chemnitz Michel, B. in: Micromaterials and... 2009 8-11
EUCEMAN- The European Center for Microreliability and Nanoreliability Michel, B. MST News Berlin No 4/08 2008 41
EUCEMAN- The European Center for Microreliability and Nanoreliability Michel, B. MST News Berlin No 4/08 2008 41
Nanoreliability- Reliability Research for Microsystem Technology on the Way... Michel, B. MST News Berlin no 4/08 2008 28
NanoDAC- a New Technique for Nano-Deformation and Nano-Reliability Analysis Michel, B. MST News, VDI/VDE-IT 2006,... 2006 37
Experimental Mechanics on the Way from Micro to Nano Michel, B. Experimental Technique, vol.... 2005 3-5
Microreliability and Nanoreliability for MEMS Michel, B. Knobloch,H.; Kaminorz, Y.... 2004 269-276
Mechanical Property Measurements – Lessons Learned from the Microelectronic... Michel, B. Int. Conf. on Metallurgical... 1999 93
Fracture Electronics - Concepts of Fracture Mechanics for Reliability Michel, B. Abstract Volume: Micro... 1997 203 - 204
Eigenspannungen in Verbundwerkstoffen der Mikrosystemtechnik Michel, B. in: G. Ziegler,... 1996 223 - 224
Werkstoffmechanische Untersuchungen an Lötstellen in mikrotechnischen Aufba... Michel, B. Tagung Weichlöten in... 1996 223 - 233
Eigenspannungen in Werkstoffverbunden der Mikrosystemtechnik Michel, B. Proc. Tagung... 1995 96
Mechanical Reliability Analysis of Microcomponents Michel, B. Proc. of the 4th Intern.... 1994 -
Über das Wechselverhältnis von Kontinuumsmechanik und Strukturphysik fester... Michel, B. Fortschritt der Physik... 1982 233 - 310
Smart Systems Integration for Micro- and Nanotechnologies Michel, B.... Verlag Goldenbogen Dresden 2014 1-729
Smart Systems Integration for Micro-and nanotechnologies Michel, B.... Verlag Goldenbogen Dresden 2014 1-729
Research on Microreliability and Nanoreliability- The Microreliability Cent... Michel, B.... in: Micomaterials and... 2009 318
MicroNanoReliability 2008 Michel, B.... Series Micromaterials and... 2007 315
Proceedings 3rd. Leibniz Conference on Nanoscience 2007 Michel, B.... B. Michel (ed.)... 2007 104 pp.
Micromaterials, Nanomaterials for Automotives Michel, B.... Proc. onf. Microcar 2005, in:... 2005 107 p.
Polytronik-Einsatzgebiete von Kunststoffen in der Elektronik unter besonder... Michel, B.... 7. Problemseminar... 1999 3
Mikroprüftechnik, in "Kunststoffprüfung" (ed. W. Grellmann and S. Seidler) Michel, B.,... Carl Hanser Verlag, München,... 2005 665-686
Microsecurity- Important Cababilities for Homeland Security Challenges Michel, B.,... MST News, Dec.2004 2004 2
Neue Trends der Forschung zu modernen Risskonzepten angewendet auf Polymerw... Michel, B.:... Tagung... 2014 N/A
Improvement of the Thermo-Mechanical Performance of Advanced Packages by Ex... Michel, B.;... Workshop Mechanical... 1998 87 – 94
Mikroverformungsanalyse mit dem nanoDAC-Verfahren Michel, B.;... SFB TU Chemnitz 2002 -
Thermomechanische Untersuchungen zur Zuverlässigkeitserhöhung von Mikrosyst... Michel, B.;... Fachtagung Informations- und... 1998 16 – 23
Mikro-Baugruppen mechanisch prüfen Michel, B.;... Materialprüfung 36, 1-2 1994 36 - 39
Prüfen des Verformungsverhaltens mikromechanischer Bauelemente mittels Lase... Michel, B.;... Proc. Tagung Werkstoffprüfung... 1992 251 - 260
1 to 50 out of 135 records«« « 1-50 51-100 101-135 » »»