
Search database:
151 to 200 out of 213 records«« « 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-213 » »»
Title Author(s) Event Location Date
Mechanical Reliability of Microcomponents Michel, B. Advanced Technology... Tokyo, Japan 02/1999
Towards a Robust Design of Electronics Assemblies under Fracture, Dela... Auersperg,J.;... 9th.Electronic... Singapur 12/2007
Fracture Electronics - Application of Fracture Mechanics to Microelect... Michel, B.;... 9th International... Sydney,... 04/1997
Thermomechanische Verträglichkeitsanalysen (TMV) an Komponenten und Sy... Michel, B.;... 9. Workshop AK... Schwieberdin... 10/2000
Probleme der Zuverlässigkeit in der Elektronik Michel,B. 9.... Schloss... 09/2004
Capabilities of Incorporating Bulk Fracture, Bimaterial Interface and ... Auersperg, J.;... 7th. Internat. Conf.... ICEPT 2006,... 08/2006
Mikroelektronik und Mikrosystemtechnik - Anwendungenvon Mikro- und Nan... Michel, B. 7. Sächsische... Leipzig,... 06/2003
Numerical Characterization of Electronic Packaging Solutions based on ... Sommer,J.-P.,... 6th. Internat. Conf.... Shenzen,... 08/2005
The microDAC deformation analysis - a new method for testing and evalu... Michel, B.;... 6th Int. Conf. On... Aachen,... 05/2001
Micro-Nano-Systems, Applications and State of the Art Michel,B.;... 5th. Int. Conf. New... Sibiu,... 09/2007
Fracture Mechanical Characterization of Microcracks by Application of ... Keller,J.,... 5th. European Symp. on... Hueckelhofen 09/2004
Thermomechanical Behaviour of Chipcard Materials Michel, B.;... 5th European... Maastricht,... 04/1997
Nanoreliability- Lifetime Estimation for nanotechnology Applications B... Michel, B. 4th. Int. Symposium... Dresden 11/2005
Fracture mechanical characterization of micro-and nanofilled polymers ... Wunderle,B.,... 4th. IEEE Conference... Munich 08/2004
NanoDAC - a new experimental method for reliability analysis in advanc... Michel, B.;... 4th Int. Workshop Area... Berlin,... 04/2002
Characterization approaches of nanoscale modified plastics Vogel,D.,... 4th IEEE Conference on... Munich 08/2004
Werkstoffeinsatz und Zuverlässigkeit von Mikrosystemen Michel, B. 43. Int. Wiss.... Ilmenau,... 09/1998
Zuverlässigkeit von Sensorsystemen und deren Komponenten Michel, B. 3rd. Leibniz... Lichtenwalde 10/2006
Microsecurity,Nanosecurity-Security Research in Europe Utilizing Advan... Michel,B.;... 3rd. Leibniz... Lichtenwalde 11/2007
Thermo-mechanical Reliability Analysis on Solder Joints of Ceramic Com... Dudek,R.,... 3rd. International... Barcelona,... 06/2005
Reliability of Electronics in Aviation Michel,B.;Kaulf... 3rd. Dresden Airport... Dresden 12/2007
Nanoreliability- Zuverlässigkeitskonzepte für den Mikro-Nano-Übergangs... Michel,B.;... 3rd Leibniz Conference... Lichtenwalde 11/2007
Fracture elektronics and thermomechanical compatibility (TMC) of micro... Michel, B. 3rd Int. Conf.... Berlin,... 04/2000
Thermo-Mechanical Reliability of Microelectronic Components Michel, B.;... 3rd Euromech Solid... Stockholm,... 08/1997
Die Möglichkeiten der FIB-Technik zur Schadensanalyse an bleifreien Lo... Faust,W.,... 39.... Erlangen 09/2005
Microreliability,Nanoreliability-Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung von Mikro- ... Michel,B. 37. Tagung des... Hamburg 02/2005
Interface-Risse in Komponenten der Mikro- und Nanoelektronik Michel,B.;... 36. Tagung des DVM... Aachen 02/2006
Microsecurity and Nanosecurity- Security Research Using the Advantages... Michel,B.;... 2nd. European Conf.... Barcelona,... 04/2008
Thermal Stresses in Electronic Packages and Chipcards Michel, B.;... 2nd International... Rochester,... 06/1997
Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung von mikroelektronischen Aufbauten unter Nutz... Michel, B. 25. Deutsche... München,... 10/1998
Physics of Failure-basierte Lebensdauervorhersage im Mikro-Nano-Überga... Wunderle,B.,... 24. Tagung... Grainau,... 05/2006
FIBDAC- ein leistungsfähiges Messverfahren zur Ermittlung von lokalen ... Michel,B. 24. ITG Tagung... Grainau 05/2006
Möglichkeiten der Bruchmechanik für die Schadensvermeidung in den Bere... Michel, B.;... 22. Wiss. Konferenz... Mittweida 10/2012
Möglichkeiten der Bruchmechanik für die Schadensvermeidung in den Bere... Michel, B.;... 22. Internat.Wiss.... Mittweida 10/2012
Simulation and Reliability on the Way from Micro to Nano Michel,B.,... 21st. CAD-FEM Users... Potsdam,... 11/2003
Zuverlässigkeit kleinster Strukturen in der industriellen Anwendung Michel, B. 21. Ulmer Gespräch,... Ulm, Germany 04/1999
Zuverlässigkeit kleinster Strukturen in der industriellen Anwendung Michel, B. 21. Ulmer Gespräch,... Ulm, Germany 04/1999
Aspects of Chip Package Interaction and 3D Integration Assessed by the... Auersperg, J.;... 2011 IEEE... Dresden 05/2011
Simulation of Crack Mechanisms in Materials Michel,B. 2.Int. Conference... Berlin 11/1991
MicroNanoReliability 2007 Michel,B.(ed.) 1st. World Congress on... Berlin 09/2007
Microreliability, Nanoreliability-Reliability Issues for MEMS Michel.B. 1st. Int. Forum on... Potsdam 12/2003
Packaging of Microsystems Michel, B.;... 1st French-UK Workshop... Wyboston... 01/2003
Reliability and Safety Estimations for Micro- and Nanotechnology Abo... 1st Biotechnology... Dubai, UAR 02/2012
Mikrodeformationsanalyse zur Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung mittels Grauwer... Michel, B.;... 19. Disskusionssitzung... Bad... 05/2001
A new Method for Local Stress Field Analysis near Cracks in Micro- and... Michel,B.,... 16. European... Alexandroupo... 06/2006
Evaluation of Microcracks in Microelectronic Components Michel, B.;... 15. European Conferenz... Stockholm 08/2004
Rissvermeidungsstrategien in Werkstoffen mit Kunststoffen Michel,B.;Faust... 13. Problemseminar... Merseburg 06/2011
Clearingstelle für Automobilelektronik Berlin- Wissenschaftliche Kompe... Michel,B. 13.... Berlin 01/2006
Fatigue Crack Evaluation in Electronics Michel, B.;... 12th International... Miskolc 03/1994
Crack and delamination Risk Evaluation of thin Silicon Based Microelec... Auersperg,J.,... 11th. Internat. Conf.... Torino,... 03/2005
151 to 200 out of 213 records«« « 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-213 » »»

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