
Search database:
201 to 213 out of 213 records«« « 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-213 » »»
Title Author(s) Event Location Date
Automotive Electronics and Related Nanoreliability Electronics Michel,B.;... 1. Intern. Congress... Torino 06/2010
Aspects of Chip Package Interaction and 3D Integration Assessed by the... Auersperg, J.;... 2011 IEEE... Dresden 05/2011
Application of Fracture Mechanics to Microsystem Technology Michel, B.;... VIII International... Kiev, Russia 06/1993
Application of Fracture Mechanics for the Reliability Analysis of Asse... Shirangi, H.,... Conference Micro Car... Leipzig 02/2013
Anforderungen, Möglichkeiten, Trends von Nano- und Mikrotechniken Michel,B. Kooperationsforum... München 03/2007
Anforderungen aus der Nanotechnologie an die Zuverlässigkeitskonzepte ... Michel,B.,... 1.DVM Konferenz... Darmstadt 03/2006
Aktivitäten zur lokalen Deformationsanalyse für Mikro- und Nanokompone... Michel, B.;... DVM AK Treffen... Geesthacht,... 10/2008
Advances in Micro-and Nanotechnologies- reliability Issues, Testing an... Michel,B. Lecture, University of... Belgrade,... 12/2004
Accelerated Failure Test for High- T Applications of Power Mosfet by P... Schacht,R.,... International Workshop... Belgirate,... 09/2005
A new Method for Local Stress Field Analysis near Cracks in Micro- and... Michel,B.,... 16. European... Alexandroupo... 06/2006
A new Approach to Measure Local Residual Stresses Vogel,D.,... N/A Dresden 01/1970
'NanoDAC- a New Technique for Micro-and Nanomechanical Reliability Ana... Michel,B.,... Internat. Conf. on... Toronto,... 05/2005
'Microsecurity'- eine europäische Initiative zum Thema Mikro- und Nano... Michel,B.,... Werkstoffwoche 2004,... München 09/2004
201 to 213 out of 213 records«« « 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-213 » »»

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