
Search database:
101 to 150 out of 213 records«« « 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-213 » »»
Title Author(s) Event Location Date
micro Materials Center Berlin, Reliability Research for MEMS Michel, B.;... Int. Symp. SPIE, Conf.... San Diego,... 03/2002
MicroDAC and nanoDAC - Powerful Techniques for Nondestructiv Microcrac... Michel, B.;... Int. Symp. SPIE, Conf.... San Diego,... 03/2002
EUCEMAN- a powerful promotor of micro- and nanoreliability research Michel, B.;... Internat. Conf. Micro... Leipzig 02/2013
Stress Measurement in Thin Multilayer Systems by Stress Relief Vogel,D.;... Internat. Conf. Micro... Leipzig 02/2013
Zum Einsatz neuer Verfahren zur Rissbewertung und Rissfortschrittsunt... Auersperg, J.;... Internat. Conf. Micro... Leipzig 02/2013
'NanoDAC- a New Technique for Micro-and Nanomechanical Reliability Ana... Michel,B.,... Internat. Conf. on... Toronto,... 05/2005
Clean Sky-europäische Technologiedemonstration für grüneren Luftverke... Kaulfersch,... Internat. Conference... Leipzig 02/2013
Erfahrungen aus der Zuverlässigkeitsforschung im Bereich Medizintechn... knüppel, J.;... Internat. Conference... Leipzig 02/2013
Experimental Mechanics on the Way from Micro to Nano, invited plenary ... Michel,B. Internat. Conference... Singapore 11/2004
Nanoreliability for Mechanically Loaded Devices Vogel,D.,... International Congress... San... 11/2005
Accelerated Failure Test for High- T Applications of Power Mosfet by P... Schacht,R.,... International Workshop... Belgirate,... 09/2005
Zuverlässigkeitskonzepte von 'Mikro bis Nano'- Neue Anforderungen und ... Michel,B. Invited Lecture,... Freiburg 10/2005
Prüfung und Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung für die Mikrosystemtechnik im Mi... Michel, J.,... Invited Lecture,23.... Berlin 12/2005
Experimental Mechanics on the Way from Micro to Nano Michel, B. Invited Open Lecture Chalmers... 11/2005
Testing at Micro and Nanoscale Michel,B. Invited Paper,... Nürnberg 05/2005
Reliability Testing of Polytronics Components in the Micro-Nano Region Michel, B.,... Invited Plenara... Wroclaw,... 10/2005
Nanoreliability- Fracture Mechanics on the Way from Micro to Nano Michel,B.,... Invited Plenary... Alexandroupo... 06/2006
Ermittlung von Eigenspannungen im Mikro- und Nanobereich Michel, B. Invited Plenary... Lichtenwalde... 10/2005
Packaging Reliability on the Way from Micro to Nano Michel, B.,... Invited Plenary... San... 11/2005
Microdeformation Analysis and Reliability of Microsystems Michel, B. Invited Talk, Bell... Murray... 04/1999
FIBDAC-ein leistungsfähiges Messverfahren zur ermittlung von lokalen E... Michek,B. ITG Conferenz... Grainau 01/1970
NanoDAC-Messverfahren zur Verformungs- und Rissanalyse im extremen Mik... Michel,B.,... Jahresmitgliederversamm... Dresden 02/2005
Beanspruchungsanalyse und Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung von Komponenten de... Michel, B. Jahrestagung der... Göttingen,... 04/2000
Bruchmechanische Untersuchungen zur Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung mikrotec... Michel, B.;... Jahrestagung des AK... Köln,... 02/1995
Fracture Mechanics- A Key to Micro- and Nanotechnology Reliability Ana... Michel, B. Karl Wieghardt &... Vienna,... 03/2007
Stochastische Finite Elemente Methode Michel, B. Kolloquium der... Bonn,... 10/1993
Zuverlässigkeitsforschung für Mikro- und Nanotechnologien-gegenwärtige... Michel,B. Kolloquium IMTEK,... Freiburg 09/2006
Anforderungen, Möglichkeiten, Trends von Nano- und Mikrotechniken Michel,B. Kooperationsforum... München 03/2007
Microreliability, Nanoreliability-Fracture Mechanics on the Way from M... Michel,B. Lecture, The Institute... Belgrade,... 12/2004
Advances in Micro-and Nanotechnologies- reliability Issues, Testing an... Michel,B. Lecture, University of... Belgrade,... 12/2004
Zuverlässigkeit, Sicherheit und Lebensdauer von Sensorsystemen im Mikr... Michel,B. Leibniz Conference... Lichtenwalde 10/2006
Zuverlässigkeitsprobleme im Hightech-Bereich- Lösungsansätze und Konze... Michel; B. Leibniz Societät,... Berlin 12/2006
Collaborative Research Amount Institutes, SME's & Multi-Nationals; inv... Michel, B. Management Research... Edinburgh 04/2004
Micro- and Nanomechanical Testing and Reliability Concepts für MEMS Michel, B.;... Materials Week, München München,... 10/2002
Micro Materials Center Berlin - materials Research for MEMS Packaging Michel, B.;... Materials Week, München München,... 10/2001
Mechanische und thermische Zuverlässigkeit und Charakterisierung von K... Michel, B. Mechatherm '93 Mittweida,... 12/1993
Kopplung experimenteller Untersuchungen mit Finite Elemente Simulation... Michel, B. Mechatronik-Seminar... Zürich,... 05/1995
Reliability Research in the Micro-Nano Region at the Fraunhofer MicroM... Michel,B. Meeting of EURELNET... Paris,... 01/1970
Reliability of Micro- and Nanosystems Michel,B. Micro.tec 2003 Munich 10/2003
Microreliability, Nanoreliability- Reliability Approach for the Micro-... Michel, B. Microsystem... Munich,... 10/2005
Interface Cracks and Reliability in Mikrosystems Michel, B.;... Microsystem... Düsseldorf,... 03/2001
Reliability Research in the Micro-Nano-Transition Range Michel, B. Microsystem Technology... Berlin 03/2007
Fracture Mechanical Test Methods for Interface Crack Evaluation of El... Keller,J.;... Microtech/Nanotech... Boston, USA 06/2011
Three-Dimensional Deformation Analysis of MEMS/NEMS by means of x-Ray... Hammacher,... Microtech/Nanotech... Boston, USA 06/2011
Networking in Micro/Nano Reliability Research Encouraged by EUCEMAN, ... Michel,B.;... Microtech/Nanotech... Anaheim, USA 06/2010
FibDAC Stress Relief - a Novel Stress Measurement Approach for Semicon... Vogel, D;... Microtech/Nanotech... Anaheim, USA 10/2010
Micro-and Nanosecurity-Security by Miniaturization in Microsystem Tech... Michel,B.;... Mikrosystemtechnik... Dresden 10/2007
Reliability in the Micro-Nano-Region, Concepts, Trends and Application... N/A MiNAT 2007 Stuttgart 06/2007
Thermo-Mechanical Reliability of 3D-Integrated Microstructures in Stac... Wunderle,B.;Kau... MRS Annual Conference Boston, USA 11/2006
Influence of rate-dependent material data on the reliability of advanc... Poshtan, E.;... MSE Materials Science... Darmstadt 09/2012
101 to 150 out of 213 records«« « 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-213 » »»

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